Passive solar energy refers to the use of solar energy from the sun without using photovoltaics. Today passive solar energy is a good way to make use of the renewable and clean energy of the sun. Today passive solar energy absorption can be done with the help of indoor heating methods and solar ovens.
Many people make use of solar ovens today. These ovens are great when the food to be warmed does not have to be heated instantly. The solar ovens are very well insulated and hence they don’t let the absorbed heat to escape. The clean cardboard box in the solar oven has thick layers of insulation and aluminum wrapping.
You can make use of these solar ovens in hot and dry environments. In order to absorb passive solar energy the solar ovens and other sources requires longer periods of exposure to the sun. The heating rate of solar ovens is considerably lesser than conventional ovens savings can be made in costs. And by making use of passive solar energy you are also releasing lesser amount of pollution in the environment.
The other way to garner passive solar energy is through passive indoor heating. This is a good way of cutting down on your energy bills. In order implement the passive insulation system you have to follow a planned approach for the installation. For example, you should have a careful eye for the positioning of the windows so that maximum energy of the sub is absorbed. You can even trim the trees surrounding your house so that the sun’s rays are not blocked. By keeping your house well insulated you can make the most of passive solar energy for various purposes.
The other solution for garneting passive solar energy is to make use of Trombe Walls. These special walls make use of sunlight in order to heat homes and offices. They are made from special material that optimizes the absorption of the sun’s rays. In case of passive solar heating design, the windows, walls and even the floor are designed and laid in such a way that they distribute solar energy for passive solar heating in winter reject solar heat in the summer to keep the interiors cool.
The reason why it is called passive solar energy is because unlike the active solar heating systems the passive system does not make use of any type of mechanical or electrical parts.