Converting Plastic Waste to Energy

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Plastic is one of the most common materials used today for a variety of purposes. There are many items that we use in our everyday lives involving plastic. However we also have to find ways in disposing plastic as it does not dispose naturally. Thousands of tons of plastic end up in our landfills everyday and one of the best ways to make use of this plastic is to convert it into energy that does not harm the environment. Since plastic is used by millions of people every day for different purposes, we see that millions of tons of plastic filling up the landfills. Since plastic does not break down easily in nature it is one of the worst offenders of the environment.

In the near future it will be possible to turn plastic waste into reusable energy and there are many scientists who are working to make this dream come true. Polyflow Company, based in Ohio and now working on a process called Polyflow process. In this process, the polymers can be converted into a fuel such as diesel and gas. The final solvents can also be used to manufacture new types of plastic products.
Another organization based in Illinois called Argonne National Laboratory has invented a process to convert plastics into carbon containing spheres that can then produce heat and electricity. These speheres can also be used to extend the life of tires in vehicles and also to make batteries. The other uses for these carbon spheres include paints, filters and toners.

In the NorthWestern University, scientists have invented a method that processes plastics with the help of pyrolysis. The combustor in which the process is completed generates electricity and heat that can be then converted into electric power used to operate appliances. If this process is used commercially, then the total recyclable plastics in the USA will be enough to produce 462 million gallons of petroleum every year.

Researchers at Envion in Washington have discovered a way of removing hydrocarbons from water plastic and produce energy in the process. There is no catalyst used in this process and 82% of the plastic waste can be used to make fuel which can then be sold at just $10 per barrel. This is a fantastic deal when you compare it with $93 per barrel that USA is paying today.

oleg vConverting Plastic Waste to Energy

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