Energy efficient light bulbs

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Today you can take one of the first steps towards going green to save our environment and ensure its sustainability. Instead of the normal 100 watt light bulb that consumes a lot of power, you can start using energy efficient light bulbs. These light bulbs consume at least 30% to 40% lesser power than the normal light bulb. And these light bulbs emit lesser heat and last for quite a long period of time. Energy efficient light bulbs include the latest florescent lamps unlike the older incandescent light bulb invented by Sir Thomas Alva Edison.

Though incandescent light bulbs provide good light, they are quite energy inefficient. In contrast, the energy efficient light bulbs are 75% more efficient. Hence you can make considerable amount of savings in your electricity bills when you replace all the light bulbs in your home and office with energy efficient light bulb. Studies show that you can make at least 20% savings in your electricity bills after installing the new light bulbs. Hence switching gears to the new compact florescent lamps can make a huge difference to your home budget.

Though the compact florescent lamps cost more in the beginning they can last up to 5 times more than the incandescent bulbs. They prove to be cost effective since they consume lesser power and last for a longer period of time. With the installation of the energy efficient light bulbs you can join the millions of people who want to save our environment from further damage. In fact, many countries have started phasing out the incandescent light bulbs and they will be a thing of the past in the next 2 years. The US government wants to complete phase out the use of these bulbs by 2012 in order to meet with the targets of the European Union.
With the important step of phasing out the normal light bulb energy consumption will reduce by at least 60% which is equivalent saving 30 million tons of carbon dioxide pollution per year.
The difference between normal light bulbs and energy efficient light bulbs is that normal light bulbs work on the principal of electricity passing through the filament as a result of which heat is generated due to friction. The heat causes the filament to glow, thus providing light. Unlike the normal light bulbs, the LED lights do not use a filament to produce light. The Led lights produce light directly from electricity and hence there is no use to heat up the filament.
Energy Efficient light bulbs

oleg vEnergy efficient light bulbs

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