Sodium Batteries: Green Energy Storage

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The sodium batteries will be a viable solution for the ever increasing energy costs and they will also contribute to sustaining the environment. The sodium sulfur battery will put to rest the energy storage concerns of the various governments. Mass production of this green battery could put an end to the building and maintenance of transmission lines that will cost millions of dollars. The battery will come in handy as it will be able to store unreliable wind and energy power. It will prove to be a safer and more viable alternative and a reliable backup energy source to solve the problem of power breakouts during the devastating winter months.
By the year 2030, the energy demand will increase by 30% to 50%. Hence if we don’t find methods to harness the other power sources we could all be facing a greave problem.

Sources such as the sodium battery could be a perfect answer to meet the ever growing energy needs. The battery can store wind energy efficiently. Today no one wants to give up using their laptop or high definition TV by paying more for electricity. Hence the inclusion of such batteries will bring down the costs of electricity significantly. There will be no need for extra substation for more electricity because of the battery. There is no need for new line installation or rationing of electricity use.

However the drawback to the sodium battery as of today is its price. Any new product will cost more when it is newly introduced in the market as research; testing and launching costs have to be recovered by the manufacturing company. The price of the battery will then gradually come down. At present the cost of the battery is 10% per kilowatt hour more than a coal based plant. Once the battery becomes established and is commercially produced, it will cost will come down considerably and every household can use the battery.

oleg vSodium Batteries: Green Energy Storage

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