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EcoCompass - Green technology marketplace helping to navigate energy independence
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ENERGY STAR is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy helping us all save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices.

For the Home

Energy efficient choices can save families about a third on their energy bill with similar savings of greenhouse gas emissions, without sacrificing features, style or comfort. ENERGY STAR helps you make the energy efficient choice.

- If looking for new household products, look for ones that have earned the

ENERGY STAR. They meet strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the EPA and US Department of Energy

- If looking for a new home, look for one that has earned the ENERGY STAR

- If looking to make larger improvements to your home, EPA offers tools and resources to help you plan and undertake projects to reduce your energy bills 

and improve home comfort.

For Business

EPA’s ENERGY STAR partnership offers a proven energy management strategy that helps in measuring current energy performance, setting goals, tracking savings, and rewarding improvements.

EPA provides an innovative energy performance rating system which businesses have already used for more than 200,000 buildings across the country. EPA also recognizes top performing buildings with the ENERGY STAR.



Does efficiency really matter, and how much money can it save me?

Efficiency is extremely important because even the smallest changes can help you save money and help protect the environment. Changes can range from saving a couple dollars a year to being completely energy independent, it really all depends on your level of commitment. Efficiency can range from installing a single energy efficient light bulb to installing new windows to upgrading major appliances to even installing a renewable energy system. 

Click Here for additional information about the Energy Star program and associated incentives.

Copyright @ 2011 EcoCompass, Inc. All rights reserved
Patent pending